Team Grimmie \|/

About Us

Hey guys, thanks for visiting our site. We are frands of our Christina Victoria Grimmie, the awesome singer originally from Marlton, NJ.

The purpose of this web is to bring you the most important news in case you don’t have enough time to check all of the sources.

If you wanna help us with the site (writing articles, finding new stuff and things like that) you can contact us via email: or via our twitter (You can send us DMs regardless if we follow you or not)

Our webpage has been established in January 2014.

Rawwk on \|/

The Voice - Season 6

Last update: August 26, 2014

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1 Comment

  1. Joy Sivakumar

    Miss her! Was such a talented loss and support a beautiful warm person…. stumbled upon her in the matchbreaker and then saw her YouTube channel. Was shocked to find out what happened. Rip ! Loved each and every video she made..
    -Joy Sivakumar,
    New Delhi, India


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