Dead Team Grimmie
We probably all want to meed Christina, but most of us didn’t really get the chance so far because she hasn’t made a world tour yet. That’s too bad because many of us have been a frand since the very beginning / have been waiting for a long, long time.
I’d like to make a YouTube video which includes ALL your requests to Christina to visit your country / make a world tour! Then we’ ll try showing her so she might realize how wanted and popular she is worldwide. Maybe even Island Records will realize it’s time for a world tour then! :)
Do you want to get involved into this project? Here’s what you need to do (one of these options)
- Make a short video of you, holding a sign where you ask Christina to visit your country / make a world tour. Also mention how long you’ve been a frand (“frand since…”) + your name on Twitter/Facebook/…
- Make a short video inviting her to your country in your national language (please also send translation with your video so it can be added in the video :D) Also mention how long you’ve been a frand (“frand since….”) + your name on Twitter/Facebook/…
- If you dont want to get in front of the camera, you can tweet her or comment on her Facebook, asking her to visit your country. Make a screenshot of it and send it to the email address below! Also mention how long you’ve been a frand (“frand since….”) + your name on Twitter/Facebook/…
Pick one of those options and send your video or screenshot to !
Deadline: end of September! (2014 most likely)
Please spread the word so we can make this thing huge! The more people, the better she’ll realize! ^.^
Any questions? Ask @stairfish of Twitter or email to
Thank you for your help.